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Ep 41: More-Than-Human Worlding 1/2
Ep 40: Romanian Feline Lives 2/2
Ep 39: Romanian Feline Lives 1/2
Ep 38: “Fattening” & One Health Pt 2/2
Ep 37: “Fattening” & One Health Pt 1/2
Ep 36: Defining the Field Pt3...
Ep 35: Defining the Field Pt3 1/2
Ep 34: Defining the Field Pt2 2/2
Ep 33: Defining the Field Pt2 1/2
Ep 32: Canine Anthropology Pt2
Ep 31: Canine Anthropology Pt1
Ep 30: Grief Pt 2
Ep 29: Grief Pt 1
Ep 28: The Link with Ken Shapiro
Ep 27: Defining the Field Pt 1
Ep 26: Cat Abandonment in KSA Pt2
Ep 25: Cat Abandonment in KSA Pt1
Ep 24: Anthropomorphism
Ep 23: Our New Logo
Ep 22: Labelled Feral?
Ep 21: Animal Hoarding in Sweden
Ep 20: Nepal's Elephants - Complex Lives
Ep 19: Rats at Christmas Pt 2..
Ep 18: Rats at Christmas Pt 1.
Ep 17: Animal-Themed Tattoo Narratives
Ep 16: ZooSpeak with Gordon Meade
Ep 13 - 15: Hound Charming (AZ Speaks)
Eps 11 & 12 Great Hog Eating Confederacy
Ep 10 Aadita's Anthrozoology Adventure 2
Ep 9 Aadita's Anthrozoology Adventure
Ep 8 Conversation With Hal Herzog Pt 2
Episode 7 The Meat Paradox & Veganism
Episode 6 Conversation With Hal Herzog
Episode 5 Animals as Immigrants
Episode 4 Halloween
Episode 3 Defender Radio
Episode 2 Domestication
Episode 1 Feral
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The Anthrozoology Podcast
: Discussing Humanimality
Ep 41 - More-Than-Human Worlding
with Dr Madi Mañetto Quick, pt 1/2.
Ep 40 - Feline Lives in Romania
with Dr Irina Frasin, pt 2/2.
Ep 39 - Feline Lives in Romania
with Dr Irina Frasin, pt 1/2.
Ep 38 - “Fattening” and One Health
with Alisa Rubinstein, pt 2/2.
Ep 37 - “Fattening” and One Health
with Alisa Rubinstein, pt 1/2.
Ep 36: Anthrozoological Insights
with Dr Aubrey Fine Pt2/2
Ep 35: Anthrozoological Insights
with Dr Aubrey Fine Pt1/2
Ep 34: Exploring Anthrozoology
with Dr Lynette Hart Pt2/2
Ep 33: Exploring Anthrozoology
with Dr Lynette Hart Pt1/2
Ep32: Canine Anthropology Pt2/2
Ep31: Canine Anthropology Pt1/2
Ep30: Grief, Pt 2/2
Ep29: Grief, Pt 1/2
Ep28: The Link, with Ken Shapiro
Ep 27: Defining the Field Pt1, With Ken Shapiro
Ep 26: Cat Abandonment in Saudi Arabia Pt2/2
Ep 25: Cat Abandonment in Saudi Arabia Pt1/2
Ep 24: Anthropomorphism
Ep 23: Introducing Our New Logo
Ep 22: Labelled 'Feral'?
Ep 21: Animal Hoarding in Sweden.
Ep 20: Elephants - Complex Lives.
Ep 19
: Rats at Christmas Pt 2/2.
Ep 18: Rats at Christmas Pt 1/2.
Ep 17 Animal-Themed Tattoo Narratives
Ep 16 ZooSpeak with Gordon Meade
Ep 13 - 15: Hound Charming (AZ Speaks Eps1-3
Episodes 11 & 12 -
The Great Hog Eating Confederacy
Episodes 9 & 10 - Problematizing the Ethics Process:
An Anthrozoological Perspective
Episode 8 - A Conversation with Hal Herzog Pt 2/2
Episode 7 - The Meat Paradox & Veganism
Episode 6 - A Conversation with Hal Herzog Pt 1/2
Episode 5 - Animals as Immigrants
Episode 4 - Halloween
Episode 3 - Furbearers - Defender Radio
Episode 2 - Domestication
Episode 1 - Feral
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