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Ep 22: Labeled Feral?

Episode 22: What's it like to be labeled 'Feral'?


Today we are continuing our discussion of ‘power words’, terms that humans use to control the narratives of otherthanhuman lives. Today’s term is ‘feral’, and it is a contentious term, in our opinion. Our paper on this topic ‘Uncivilised Behaviors’ was published last year in Society and Animals journal, and today we will unpack that paper in a discussion with our special guest and coauthor, Debbie Busby.


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Dr. Kris Hill PhD Candidate, University of Exeter


Dr. Michelle Szydlowski @intl_elephants


Sarah Oxley Heaney PhD Student, University of Exeter ​



Debbie Busby Registered Clinical Animal Behaviourist for Horses and Dogs PhD Candidate, Manchester Metropolitan University


References and Resources


Merrian-Webster Dictionary Definition of “Feral”,not%20domesticated%20or%20cultivated%20%3A%20wild


Hill, K. Szydlowski, M. Oxley Heaney, S. Busby, D. (2022). Uncivilized behaviors: how humans wield “feral” to assert power (and control) over other species. Society & Animals. Online ahead of print.


Hill, K. (2022). Feral and out of control: a moral panic over free-roaming cats? in Anthrozoology Studies: Animal Life and Human Culture, edited by I. Frasin, G. Bodi, S. Bulei, C. D. Vasiliu. Romania: Presa Universitară Clujeană. pp. 123-157.


Ingold, T. (2000). “From trust to domination: an alternative history of human-animal relations.” In The Perception of the Environment: Essays in Livelihood, Dwelling and Skill. Edited by Tim Ingold. London, New York: Routledge.


Mica, A. (2010). Moral Panic, Risk or Hazard Society — the Relevance of a Theoretical Model and Framings of " Maidan " Dogs in Chişinău and Bucharest. Sociological Review, 169, 41–56.


Pauwels, A. (2003). Linguistic Sexism and Feminist Linguistic Activism. In J. Holmes & M. Meyerhoff (Eds.), The Handbook of Language and Gender (pp. 550–570). Price, E. O. (2003). Animal Domestication and Behavior. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.


Szydlowski, M., Hill, K., Oxley Heaney, S., Hooper, J. (2022). Domestication and domination: human terminology as a tool for controlling otherthanhuman animal bodies. TRACE: Journal for Human-Animal Studies. 8(1).

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